Mon–Fri: 7am–5pm

Saturday: 8am–4pm

Sunday: Closed

(602) 374-3091
342 W. McDowell Road
Phoenix, AZ 85003

Four Ways to Prevent Anxiety in Dogs

Anxiety is a distressing emotion experienced by not only humans but our pets as well. Although certain events may be more triggering for your dog than others, it’s important to take the time to understand what makes your dog feel stressed and nervous in order to take the necessary steps to prevent these feelings. Here are three ways to combat anxiety for your dog.

Learn Your Dog’s Body Language

The first line of defense when navigating anxiety in dogs is understanding your dog’s body language. Take note of how your pet acts when they are feeling in distress, scared, or uncomfortable. That way, at the first sign of distress, you can take the proper precautions to calm your dog down and turn a negative situation into a positive training experience.

Socialize Your Dog

Socializing your dog from a young age or from the time you adopt them can be beneficial in mitigating the risk of your dog developing anxiety in the future. It’s important to expose them to new people, places, and other animals to help avoid the chance of them feeling stressed and acting out in an exaggerated manner.

Obedience Training

Proper training can make a significant difference when it comes to preventing or managing anxiety in dogs. Obedience training is instrumental in building a foundation of trust and creates a more sociable pet that is less likely to feel symptoms of anxiety. Obedience training can be pursued on your own at home with some extra time and patience or with the help of a qualified obedience trainer in a controlled space.

Mental and Physical Stimulation

Much like people, animals need adequate mental and physical stimulation in order to feel their best. Daily exercise in the form of walks or playtime is an excellent way to ensure your pet alleviates some pent-up energy while deterring destructive behaviors and feelings of anxiety.

For more information on preventing and managing your dog’s anxiety, contact your trusted veterinarian today!